PHREEQC 2.4.2 is embedded in PhreeqcI. PhreeqcI simply accumulates data for an input file to PHREEQC, so the transport module is available in the source code for PHREEQC in the file transport.c. It's gotten a little ugly, but in outline, there is an initialization, and then a loop through the number of time steps (shifts). For each time step, there is an advective step and zero or more dispersive steps. If there are multiple dispersive steps, half are performed before the advective step, and half are performed after. There are also sections to allow diffusion into a stagnant zone and transport of heat, which make it fairly cluttered. The file advection.c also does transport, but is much simpler to read because it does not include dispersion. BTW, we just released PHREEQC 2.5 and PhreeqcI RC1, available at David David Parkhurst (dlpark@xxxxxxxx) U.S. Geological Survey Box 25046, MS 413 Denver Federal Center Denver, CO 80225 "Aaron Redman" <REDMA2A@xxxxxxxxxxxx To: "David L Parkhurst" <dlpark@xxxxxxxx> DUPONT.COM> cc: In-Reply-To: <85256AF0.004A974B.00@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Subject: View Source Code 10/25/01 07:35 AM Hello Is there a way to view the source code for the 1-D reactive transport module of PHREEQCi alpha verson 2.4.2? Thanks Aaron Redman
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