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redox modelling

Dear David,

Doing research in reactive transport modeling, I was reading the PHREEQC
manual looking for the appraoch used for the redox modelling and the
mathematical formulation of it, but I didn't find this in the manual (1999).
In an article of Liu and Narasimhan, the authors refer to Parkhurst et al,
1980 when describing the internal approach for modeling redox reactions.
Is this approach still used in PHREEQC? and is it still possible to
get/order a copie of the 1980 USGS report?

Best regards,


Bruno Haerens
Hydrogeology & Engineering Geology
Dpt. Geography-Geology
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Redingenstraat 16
B-3000 Leuven (Belgium)
tel. +32-(0)16-326449
fax. +32-(0)16-326401

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