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> I'm interested in PHREEQC to model my system. I want to model the metal
concentration in the synthetic leachate over time. I wonder what the
difference between PHREEQC for Windows and the PHREEQCI is and also the
batch versions. I can use computers but I prefer if it's in Windows but
not DOS. Which one should be better?

Phreeqc For Windows and PhreeqcI are Windows interfaces to PHREEQC. Both
interfaces have the batch version of PHREEQC embedded, so the three
programs (two interfaces and PHREEQC) have exactly the same functionality.
The choice between PFW and PhreeqcI is personal preference; PFW has a
simpler line-oriented editor with keyword and identifier buttons to aid in
formatting input files; PhreeqcI has complete screen-driven input for all
features. PFW has an added plotting capability that PhreeqcI does not have.
PhreeqcI has a more complete help facility.

> I tried to download PhreeqcI
version 2 and the batch version from the Web but somehow it doesn't
allow me. It says that I'm rejected by the ftp server. Is there anywhere
else in the web where I can download this?

You should be able to download PHREEQC (2.6) and PhreeqcI (RC1, a slightly
revised official release is forthcoming in the next couple weeks) through
https://water.usgs.gov/software/lists/geochemical/. Just recently, the links
from this site have been changed to point directly to my web pages at
https://wwwbrr.cr.usgs.gov/projects/GWC_coupled. I would like to know which
page you were trying to reach when you were rejected. Please let me know if
you have trouble with either of these two sites. Links for PFW are also
available from the PHREEQC home page.


David Parkhurst (dlpark@xxxxxxxx)
U.S. Geological Survey
Box 25046, MS 413
Denver Federal Center
Denver, CO 80225

Project web page: https://wwwbrr.cr.usgs.gov/projects/GWC_coupled

                      Cheryl Halim                                                                                  
                      <cheryl.halim@xxxxxxxxx         To:      dlpark@xxxxxxxx                                      
                      nsw.edu.au>                     cc:                                                           
In-Reply-To: <3CCCBF1F.8010407@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
                                                      Subject: PHREEQCI                                             
                      04/28/02 09:33 PM                                                                             

Dear Prof. Parkhurst,
I'm interested in PHREEQC to model my system. I want to model the metal
concentration in the synthetic leachate over time. I wonder what the
difference between PHREEQC for Windows and the PHREEQCI is and also the
batch versions. I can use computers but I prefer if it's in Windows but
not DOS. Which one should be better? I tried to download PhreeqcI
version 2 and the batch version from the Web but somehow it doesn't
allow me. It says that I'm rejected by the ftp server. Is there anywhere
else in the web where I can download this?
Thank you very much for your help.


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The URL of this page is: https://wwwbrr.cr.usgs.gov/projects/GWC_coupled/phreeqc/mail/msg00408.html
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