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Thanks for the letting me know your plans. PhreeqcI is public domain and
may be distributed in any way that you want, though we appreciate the
acknowledgements. Scott Charlton has developed the InstallShield
installation for PhreeqcI and he has been careful to ensure that it runs on
all versions of Windows from 95 on. He tried to avoid requiring
administrator privileges, but that was not possible for a couple of the
systems. It installs various dlls, so I suppose there is a potential for
conflict with AquaChem if they use different versions of the same dll. We
have had only two or three complaints about installation problems and as
far as we could tell, the problems were caused by serious flaws in the
configuration of the user's machines.


David Parkhurst (dlpark@xxxxxxxx)
U.S. Geological Survey
Box 25046, MS 413
Denver Federal Center
Denver, CO 80225

Project web page: https://wwwbrr.cr.usgs.gov/projects/GWC_coupled

                      "Patrick Delaney"                                                                   
                      <PDelaney@xxxxxxx        To:       <dlpark@xxxxxxxx>                                
                      h.com>                   cc:                                                        
                                               Subject:  PHREEQC-I                                        
                      07/09/03 01:13 PM                                                                   

Hello Dr. Parkhurst,

My name is Patrick Delaney from Waterloo Hydrogeologic, Inc.  We are just
now finalizing the next release of AquaChem v.4.0.  This version will
include a simplified interface to PHREEQC for calculating saturation
indices of water samples from the AquaChem database.  However, I would also
like to include the installation for PHREEQC-I together with the AquaChem
installation so our users will have access to a better interface to the
rest of the PHREEQC functionality.

The PHREEQC-I installation will be provided as an additional service to the
user so they do not have to download the files from the USGS web site, but
we will not be charging them for this service.  Of course, we will
acknowledge yourself and the USGS in the documentation, and the PHREEQC-I
installation will not be altered in any way.

I am writing to you to see if you forsee any problem with doing this.

I appreciate your assistance in this matter and I look forward to your

Best regards,

Patrick Delaney
Vice President, Software Development
Waterloo Hydrogeologic, Inc.

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