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> a) Have you never found an error similar to this? What can I do? if the
error is due to the system Windows XP, why does it not always happen?

The error message indicates that the program ran out of memory. I suspect
that if you decrease the number of nodes in the grid, the program will run
on each of the machines.

> b) Where can I found the maximum number of elements allowed by PHAST?

PHAST is not optimized for memory and it uses a lot of memory. The amount
of memory depends on the number of nodes and the complexity of the
chemistry (number of elements, types of reactions included--equilibrium
phases, surface, etc). The number of nodes and the presence or absence of
kinetics are the major determinants of time of execution. You need to keep
the problem size within the physical memory of the computer; you don't want
the computer to have to swap to disk because the execution time will be
prohibitive. Windows NT allows you to look at the amount of memory used in
the Task Manager; there must be a way with other versions of Windows. With
the chemistry defined, the size of the problem is basically proportional to
the number of nodes. You can run problems with increasing numbers of nodes
and look at the memory usage to estimate the maximum number of nodes for
your problem. You may want to consider buying as much memory as you can for
the computer; memory is relatively cheap.


David Parkhurst (dlpark@xxxxxxxx)
U.S. Geological Survey
Box 25046, MS 413
Denver Federal Center
Denver, CO 80225

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