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Re: Phreeqe

Dear Dr. Parkhurst:
We are planning to link a variably saturated 3D flow, and fate and transport model with Phreeqe/Phreeqc that you have developed.  After reading USGS website I found that "PHREEQE is now obsolete and has been replaced with the program PHREEQC".  Our fate and transport model is in FORTRAN, and linking with PHREEQC (written in C) may not be computationally as efficient as linking with PHREEQE (fortran version) -- although creating a DLL may be an option worth investigation.  We will appreciate any advise you may have for us in this matter.  
Many thanks.
Ashok Katyal, Ph.D.
Principal Enginner
RASI Inc.  

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The URL of this page is: https://wwwbrr.cr.usgs.gov/projects/GWC_coupled/phreeqc/mail/msg00544.html
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