> I'm new to PHREEQC (usually use Geochemist's Workbench but our PC has died) Slumming a bit, I see. > I am trying to produce pH and species concentration data (to eventually construct a speciation diagram) for Cu++ in pure water and Cu++ in 0.1 M NaNO3. I require both calculations to be performed with the suppression of CuO (s) and Cu(OH)2 (s) and then would like to repeat the calculations with the suppression of just CuO (s) (so letting Cu(OH)2 (s) precipitate). > I have amended the llnl database to include the following aqueous species Cu+2 + H2O = CuOH+ + H+ log_k -8.2 Cu+2 + 2 H2O = Cu(OH)2 + 2 H+ log_k -17.5 2Cu+2 + 2 H2O = Cu2(OH)2+2 + 2 H+ log_k -10.59 Cu+2 + 3 H2O = Cu(OH)3- + 3 H+ log_k -27.8 Cu+2 + 4 H2O = Cu(OH)4-2 + 4 H+ log_k -39.6 You can add these to the input file without changing the database file. The new definitions will supercede the definition of CuOH+ in llnl.dat and add the species Cu(OH)2, Cu(OH)3, and Cu(OH)4. However, llnl.dat also has a CuO2-2 species which will not be removed unless you modify the data base. > and solids Cu(OH)2(s) Cu(OH)2 + 2H+ = Cu+2 + 2H2O log_k = 9.12 > and i have removed Cu+ (and all references to it). Probably not necessary for the problems you are doing, but it is reasonable if you want to remove any possibility of reduction to Cu+. > I have successfully produced two speciation output files in pure water (see attached) - at pH 6 and 8 - to illustrate the increasing extent of Cu(OH)2(s) precipitation with pH (seen as a change in the SI for Cu(OH)2 (s))....do i now assume that the Cu++ deficit (ie: the difference between the total Cu++ in the system and the total Cu++ aqueous species as listed in the output file) is the mol/L of precipitate? There is a section of the output file that is headed "Phase assemblage", which gives the mole transfer of each mineral. In this block, positive Delta indicates the amount of the mineral has increased (precipitated). Units are actually moles and generally there will be approximate 1 kg of water. > So in summary! Could you help me produce > a) speciation of Cu++ in pure water; CuO(s) and Cu(OH)2(s) suppressed > b) speciation of Cu++ in 0.1 M NaNO3; CuO(s) and Cu(OH)2(s) suppressed > c) speciation of Cu++ in pure water; CuO(s) suppressed - so eventual speciation diagram actually showing the fraction of Cu(OH)2(s) present with pH > d) speciation of Cu++ in 0.1 M NaNO3; CuO(s) suppressed - so eventual speciation diagram actually showing the fraction of Cu(OH)2(s) present with pH I admit that GWB is probably better for phase diagram kinds of calculations. PHREEQC requires that you explicitly add acid or base to attain a given pH. The following uses the technique shown in example 8 in the manual to fix the pH at different values. The fraction of the total copper is written in a data block headed by "User Print". David SOLUTION_SPECIES Cu+2 + H2O = CuOH+ + H+ log_k -8.2 Cu+2 + 2 H2O = Cu(OH)2 + 2 H+ log_k -17.5 2Cu+2 + 2 H2O = Cu2(OH)2+2 + 2 H+ log_k -10.59 Cu+2 + 3 H2O = Cu(OH)3- + 3 H+ log_k -27.8 Cu+2 + 4 H2O = Cu(OH)4-2 + 4 H+ log_k -39.6 PHASES Cu(OH)2(s) Cu(OH)2 + 2H+ = Cu+2 + 2H2O log_k = 9.12 Fix_pH H+ = H+ log_k 0 SOLUTION 1 A: Speciation in pure water # Note that the pH is fixed at 7.0 # and that the solution is not charge balanced pH 7 units mmol/kgw Cu(2) 1 END SOLUTION 2 B: Speciation in NaNO3 solution pH 7 units mmol/kgw Cu(2) 1 Na 100 N(5) 100 END # C: pH dependence USER_PRINT 10 tot_cu = TOT("Cu") + EQUI("Cu(OH)2(s)") 20 PRINT "Dissolved Cu: ", TOT("Cu"), "Fraction of total: ", TOT("Cu")/tot_cu 30 PRINT "Precipitated Cu(OH)2(s): ", EQUI("Cu(OH)2(s)"),"Fraction of total: ", EQUI("Cu(OH)2(s)")/tot_cu USE solution 1 EQUILIBRIUM_PHASES 1 Cu(OH)2(s) 0 0 Fix_pH -6 HNO3 END USE solution 1 EQUILIBRIUM_PHASES 1 Cu(OH)2(s) 0 0 Fix_pH -7 NaOH END USE solution 1 EQUILIBRIUM_PHASES 1 Cu(OH)2(s) 0 0 Fix_pH -8 NaOH END USE solution 1 EQUILIBRIUM_PHASES 1 Cu(OH)2(s) 0 0 Fix_pH -9 NaOH END David Parkhurst (dlpark@xxxxxxxx) U.S. Geological Survey Box 25046, MS 413 Denver Federal Center Denver, CO 80225 Project web page: https://wwwbrr.cr.usgs.gov/projects/GWC_coupled
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