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Question about PHAST

I have a question about PHAST.
I have created the input file for a 5 spot well pattern and ion exchange based on PHREEQC example 11 (Parkhurst and Appelo, 1999).
The problem is that when I change the FLOW_ONLY function to 'false' I get the following error message:
C:\PROGRA~1\USGS\PHAST-~1\examples\proj>phast proj
Process file names...
        Flow and transport data file: proj.trans.dat
        Echo with errors file: proj.log
Read input...
        Chemistry data file: proj.chem.dat
        Database file: phast.dat
Check properties...
ERROR: Coordinate X was not defined to be active in DIMENSIONS keyword,
        exactly 2 nodes must be defined in this direction with GRID.
ERROR: Coordinate Y was not defined to be active in DIMENSIONS keyword,
        exactly 2 nodes must be defined in this direction with GRID.
ERROR: Stopping because of input errors.
I have put a significant amount of effort into correcting the problem to no avail.
Could you please help me with this problem
I have attached the 2 input files proj.trans and proj.chem (proj.chem has not been altered from PHREEQC example 11 (Parkhurst and Appelo, 1999)).

Attachment: proj.trans.dat
Description: Binary data

Attachment: proj.chem.dat
Description: Binary data

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