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question about PHAST/PHREEQC-- with attachments

This is the same email sent a few minutes ago except it has the attachments included.
I'm working on a simple 2-D benzene oxidation problem with PHAST.
I have followed parts of PHREEQC example 15 (kinetic biodegradation) for the monod kinetics.
I am presently getting a non-convergence problem and I can't seem to fix it.
The errors I am presently getting are the following:
"ERROR: The program has failed to converge to a numerical solution."
"ERROR:                    E solution phase boundary has not converged.  Residual: -3.520584e+000"
I have included all 3 files
the database was altered to include:
C(6)     C6H6           0.0     C6H6            78.108
C6H6 = C6H6
 log_k           0.000
        -gamma    5.4000    0.0000
6 CO3-2 + 12 H+ = C6H6 + 3 H2O + 7.5 O2
 log_k           0.000
        -gamma    5.4000    0.0000
this is supposed to be an irreversible reaction with a scaling for intra-aqueous kinetic reactions = 1.0e-11   
right now my main problem is convergence.
I'm not sure If my errors originate from the  .trans or .chem file.
If you have an answer to this problem I would love to hear it.
Best regards,

Attachment: phast.dat
Description: Binary data

Attachment: biodeg.chem.dat
Description: Binary data

Attachment: biodeg.trans.dat
Description: Binary data

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