Graphics Buffering

Graphics buffering is an option that improves the responsiveness of the graphical user interface at the cost of greater memory usage.

You may turn on graphics buffering if your computer has lots of memory. (For example, a PC with several hundred megabytes of RAM.)

You should turn off graphics buffering if your computer has limited memory. (For example, a PC with 64 megabytes of RAM.)

To determine whether or not graphics buffering is turned on, click the "Options" menu and see the drop-down menu item list. If a check mark appears next "Graphics Buffering", then graphic buffering is turned on. If a check mark does not appear next to "Graphics Buffering", then graphics buffering turned off.

To turn on or off graphics buffering, click the "Options" menu and select or deselect "Graphics Buffering".

Graphics buffering can be turned on or off separately for the preprocessor and postprocessor.

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