
The graphical displays in the pre- or post-processor can be printed to either a printer or to a file. In the current release, the print options are:

Note: Some MS-Windows printers may allow you more options under "Properties".

Users might encounter problems when sending output to printers. It is possible to lock up the program during printing, thus resulting in loss of unsaved data. It is recommended that the all data be saved prior to printing. Printing is less problematic when using Laser Postscript printers.

Printing to a Printer

By default, output is directed to the system's default printer. On MS-Windows computers, you can select another configured printer from a pull down list. On UNIX computers, you will have to supply the appropriate print command and print queue. For example, SGI computers use the lp print command by default (some networks are configured to use other print commands). To send a print job to the HP4m print queue (print queue names will vary by network), you would use the print command:
lp -dHP4m
The -d specifies the print queue name. IBM workstations, on the other hand, use lpr. The equivalent command would be:
lpr -PHP4m
The -P specifies the print queue name. If your default print queue is correctly configured, and it is the desired printer, you probably do not need to specify the print queue.

Printing to a File

Check the Print to File toggle or check box. On MS-Windows computers, after you press OK, you will be asked you the file name. On UNIX computers, put the file name in the text box next to the File toggle. By default, the file will be saved to the current working folder. If you want the file saved somewhere else, you will have to supply the full path and file name.

Printing to a file can be useful, because the resultant document can often be imported into other documents. UNIX computer output typically will be Postscript, which many programs can import as a graphics file (Note, these are not EPS files).

If you are unable to send output to a printer, you can often get around this problem by printing to a file, then manually sending the print file to the desired printer. For example, on an UNIX computer, if you save the file, you could use the command:

prompt> lp -dHP4m
prompt> lpr -PHP4m
You will need to customize these commands depending on your local print queue name, and which print command you use.

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