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[no subject]

Dear David,

I have a question concerning KINETICS:
I want to model kinetic oxidation of both organic carbon and ammonium in 
groundwater. For 
this, I created two monod kinetic rates for Orgc_ox and AmmH_ox. To test the 
kinetics, I created an input file (see attach) with orgc, amm and oxygen 
present. Results (output_phreeqc.xls) show that nitrate is increasing when 
ammonium is oxidated (as I expected), 
but once oxygen is depleted, my results show a decrease in nitrate that I can't 
Another thing is that when I set the concentration of orgc to a low value (my 
background water does not contain organic carbon) the model won't run and tells 
me that it has negative concentration for orgc (error message).
My question now is if there is a way of "telling" the program that there is no 
organic degradation when there's no orgc present. 

best regards,


Bruno Haerens
Hydrogeology & Engineering Geology
Dpt. Geography-Geology
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KULeuven)
Redingenstraat 16
B-3000 Leuven (Belgium)
Tel. +32 16 326449
Fax: +32 16 326401

Attachment: input.pqi
Description: Binary data

Attachment: output_phreeqc.xls
Description: MS-Excel spreadsheet

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