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Fwd: Re: Converting dbs to GWB format

Hi David,

Regarding the below inquiry to the GWB users' group, can you
clue me in on the relationship between the Nordstrom et al (1990)
compilation and the PhreeqC and Water4F databases?

BTW, we are in the process of converting the latter databases,
as well as the MINTEQ database, into the GWB format.  This should
make our codes largely cross-compatible, since as I remember you
have ported the LLNL database to PhreeqC format.

Thanks in advance for your help!

Subject: Re: Converting dbs to GWB format
Date: Tue, 22 Jul 2003 16:05:44 -0700
Thread-Topic: Re: Converting dbs to GWB format
Thread-Index: AcNQpcdrNu76R0U8Q8+/7HEfHDm6Fg==
From: "Diana Sollner" <dsollner@xxxxxxx>
To: <bethke@xxxxxxxx>
X-AntiVirus: scanned for viruses by AMaViS 0.2.1 (http://amavis.org/)

Dear Mr. Bethke,
I read on the gwb usergroup site that a number of databases are currently being converted to the GWB database format.  Is the Nordstrom et al (1990) database also being converted?
Diana Sollner, P.Eng.
SRK Consulting
Suite 800, 1066 West Hastings Street
Vancouver, BC
Canada  V6E 3X2
Ph: (604) 681-4196   Fax: (604) 687-5532
Website:  www.srk.com

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