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Dear Dr. Parkhurst:


I am writing this note hoping that you would find time to answer my question regarding PHREEQCI.


I am using this program  to simulate advection through the unsaturated column of soil with 7 layers.  Each layer has different soil moisture chemistry  (7 different solutions) and different (seven) sorbing site concentrations .  I need to simulate the impact of the waste stream, which I consider ?Solution 0?, on the chemistry of the soil moisture.  I am also simulating the removal of uranium (present in solution 0) by surface complexation processes.  I have divided the soil column to 46 cells and related them with 46 Solutions:  ?SOLUTION 1-11? for the upper layer ?SOLUTION 12-28? for the second layer etc.


My selective output file lists steps as specified by ?punch_cells? and "punch_frequency? commands preceded by 15 lines (all numbered ?step ?99?).   I can trace last 7 lines (out 15 in question) to some parameters of my seven layers.  The fist 8 lines are conundrum for me.  The PHREEQC manual for SELECTED_OUTPUT refer to lines ??99? as other calculations.  Would you please enlighten me what are these calculations whose results are presented in lines marked -99?


Thank you!



Marek Zaluski, Ph.D.
Phone: 406.494.7434
Fax:     406.494.7230
MSE Technology Applications
200 Technology Way
P.O. Box 4078
Butte MT 59702

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