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PHREQQCI question No.2

Dear Dr. Parkurst:
I apologize for bothering you with another question.  This time it is about logistics of ADVECTION.
I have simulated the solution chemistry and uranium sorption after one and two pore volumes of SOLUTION 0 moved through the soil column as described in my earlier E-mail.
The results for uranium sorbed within each layer after one and two pore volumes are identical.  It seems to me that the logistics of ADVECTION key word does not account for the reduced site concentration that exist after the first pore volume moved through.  Am I interpreting it correctly, and if so, is there any way to account for the reduction in site concentration for the advancement of the second pore volume?
Thanks again,
Marek Zaluski, Ph.D.
Phone: 406.494.7434
Fax:     406.494.7230
MSE Technology Applications
200 Technology Way
P.O. Box 4078
Butte MT 59702

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