Controlling the Simulation

You can control a simulation (computation or playback) using the following buttons.

Runs the simulation. In computational mode, the solution for the next time step is computed and displayed. This continues until the entire simulation is completed. In playback mode, the saved results for the next time step are read from file and displayed. This continues until the entire file is read.

Stops the simulation. In computational mode, the model will not stop immediately. Instead, the model finishes the computation for the current time stop and then stops. Therefore, there will be a lag between the time when the "Stop" button is clicked and the time when computation is finished.

Advances one time step. In computational mode, the solution for the next time step is computed and displayed. In replay mode, the saved results for the next time step are read and displayed.

Restarts playback from beginning. Resets the playback to the start of the simulation. This option is available only in playback mode.

Additional Notes:

See also:

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