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This keyword data block is used to save the composition of the solution, exchange assemblage, gas phase, surface assemblage, or pure-phase assemblage following a reaction calculation.


Line 0a: SAVE equilibrium_phases 2
Line 0b: SAVE exchange 2
Line 0c: SAVE gas_phase 2
Line 0c: SAVE solution 2
Line 0d: SAVE surface 1


Line 0: SAVE keyword, number

SAVE is the keyword for the data block.

keyword--one of five keywords, exchange, equilibrium_phases, gas_phase, solution, or surface. Options for equilibrium_phases: equilibrium, equilibria, pure_phases, or pure.

number--user defined positive integer to be associated with the respective composition. A range of numbers may also be given in the form m-n, where m and n are positive integers, m is less than n, and the two numbers are separated by a hyphen without intervening spaces.


SAVE has effect only for the duration of the run, to save results to a permanent file, see SELECTED_OUTPUT. During reaction calculations, the compositions of the solution, exchange assemblage, gas phase, pure-phase assemblage, and surface assemblage vary to attain equilibrium. The compositions at the end of all reaction steps exist only in temporary storage locations that are overwritten by the next simulation. These compositions are not automatically saved; however, they may be saved explicitly for use in subsequent simulations within the run by using the SAVE keyword. The SAVE keyword must be used for each type of composition that is to be saved (solution, exchange assemblage, gas phase, pure-phase assemblage, or surface assemblage). SAVE assigns number to the corresponding composition. If one of the compositions is saved in a number that already exists, the old composition is deleted. There is no need to save the compositions unless they are to be used in subsequent simulations within the run. The USE keyword can be used in subsequent simulations to use the saved compositions in equilibrium calculations.

Example problems

The keyword SAVE is used in example problems 3, 4, 7, and 10.

Related keywords


Example problems
Related keywords

User's Guide to PHREEQC - 07 MAY 96
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