Importing & Exporting Textural Class Data

When using the Van Genuchten hydraulic characteristic function, VS2DTI and VS2DHI have a number of predefined textural classes. A user may also have or prefer their own set of predefined textural classes. A user can save or load these classes using the Custom button on the Textural Class window.

When you press the Custom button, a dialog box will appear. You have two options:

The textural classes are stored in an ASCII text file and can created or edited by the user.


File Format:


Line 1: CC+HC     

'CC' is a two character code indicating the hydraulic characteristic function.

     Valid options are:

          BC = Brooks-Corey
          HK = Haverkamp
          TD = Tabular Data
          VG = van Genuchten

     '+HC' is optional and can take one of three form:

          +C  = solute transport parameters included
          +H  = energy transport parameters included
          +HC = enargy and solute transport parameters included

          +CH is NOT valid.
          If energy or solute transport parameters are not included, 
	      do NOT use the '+'.  

Line 2: hydraulic characteristic function parameters.  

     This line varies by function type.
     Brooks Corey:  Name, Kzz/Khh, Sat Khh, Ss, Porosity, RMC, hb, lambda  
     Haverkamp:     Name, Kzz/Khh, Sat Khh, Ss, Porosity, RMC, A', B', alpha, beta
     Tabular Data:  Name, Kzz/Khh, Sat Khh, Ss, Porosity  
     van Genuchten: Name, Kzz/Khh, Sat Khh, Ss, Porosity, RMC, alpha, beta
     Name     = Material Name
     Kzz/Khh  = Anisotropy
     Sat Khh  = Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity
     Ss       = Specific Storage
     Porosity = Porosity
     RMC      = Residual Moisture Content
     lambda   = Pore-Size Distribution Index

If hydraulic characteristic function = TD (Tabular Data), read Line 2A

  Line 2A: # of point sets
  For each point set
    Line 2B: Pressure Head, Relative K, Moisture Content 

If the +H, +C, or +HC option is used, read following Lines, 
Else go to Line 2.

  Line 3: Alpha-L, Alpha-T

If +H or +HC, read Line 4

  Line 4: Cs, KTr, KTs, Cw

If +C or +HC read following lines

  Line 5: mole. diff., decay, bulk density, linearData, LangmuirData,
          FreundlichData, IonExchangeData

		  - mole. diff., decay, and bulk density must be entered for
             all modes.
          - linearData =        0 - data not entered
                                1 - data following
          - LangmuirData =      0 - data not entered
                                1 - data following
          - FreundlichData =    0 - data not entered
                                1 - data following
          - IonExchangeData =   0 - data not entered
                                1 - data following

If linearData = 1

  Line 6: Kd

If LangmuirData = 1

  Line 7: K1, Q

If FreundlichData = 1

  Line 8: Kf, n

If IonExchangeData = 1 (this is for any of the mono/divalent cases)

  Line 9: Km, Q^, C0

Goto Line 2 until all textural classes are defined.
If you want to examine a example data set, the simplest option is to run VS2DTI or VS2DHI, select the appropriate hydraulic characteristic function (see Flow Options), create several textural classes, and save the file.

See also:

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