Before you begin, make sure that "Grid" is selected in the "Active Data" Selector.
1. Click the button.
2. Place the cursor on the grid line to be moved.
3. "Drag" the grid line to a new position by holding down the left mouse button and moving the mouse.
4. Release the mouse button when the grid line is dragged to the desired new position. Do not move a grid line to coincide with another grid line.
Moving a grid line via the Grid Window
1. If the Grid Window is not visible, display it by clicking the
2. To move a vertical grid line, click its x-coordinate in the left table. To move a horizontal grid line, click its z-coordinate in the right table. The selected coordinate is displayed in the text box next to the "Change" button.
3. Change coordinate in the text box. Do not enter a coordinate that already exists in the table.
4. Click the "Change" button.
See also:
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