Laboratory Facilities
GSTL has the following flume and flow measurement facilities:
- 10-m long, 1.2-m wide tilting flow and sediment transport flume with current/wave capability
- 7-m long, 0.30-m wide tilting sediment-transport mechanics flume
- Wind tunnel with 3x0.5x0.5m test section
- High-speed motion picture photography
- High-speed videography (1000 fps) with 16-disk data storage
- Particle-image velocimetry equipment
- 2-D Laser-Doppler velocimeter with fiber-optic probes
- Mid-wave infrared thermal camera
- Ultrasonic sensor array for measuring water-surface profiles
- Various mechanical and acoustic current meters for lab use
- 5W argon-ion laser with fiber-optic light sheet generator
- Particle force transducer for measuring forces on sediment particles at 200 hz
- Complete sediment lab with Rotap, 1/2 phi sieves and settling tube